Holiday Toy List

To Guide your Toy Selection:
The toys on this list have been selected for their educational value. Please select toys that are attractive, provide the challenge to explore, and the opportunity to practice new skills.

We cannot accept action figures and war-themed toys, such as guns, soldiers, tanks, and others.

For more information on how you can get involved with the annual holiday toy drive contact Sheila Sillitto at 770-992-4339 x202 or

Toddlers: 12 to 36 months

  • Dolls, particularly reflecting multicultural diversity.
  • Toy musical instruments
  • Push and pull toys, push trains and trucks
  • Wooden puzzles with big knobs and 3-4 pieces
  • Farm and zoo animal figures
  • Giant pegboards, shape sorters
  • Little People toys and accessories
  • Big Building Blocks (Toys to Grow On, Duplos)
  • Pretend Play cash registers, cameras and telephones
  • Large plastic community vehicles (ambulance, fire truck)
  • Play pots and pans, dishes, tea sets
  • Sand and water play toys
  • Sturdy board books on concepts (colors, shapes)
  • Multicultural theme board story books
  • Plastic or wooden play family sets

Preschool: 3 to 5 yrs

  • Pegboards
  • Puzzles (15-20 pieces)
  • Tool boxes with plastic or wooden tools
  • Magnetic board w/ magnetic letters, etc.
  • Patterning games
  • Dress up clothes, shoes, purses, hats, etc.
  • Magnet blocks
  • Large animal figures (dinosaurs, farm/zoo animals)
  • Legos
  • Science-related toys
  • Preschool books (about science, feelings, weather, animals, health practices)
  • Play dough
  • Animal Dominoes and Matching Games
  • Memory Games (Disney, Mattel, etc)
  • Sewing or Lacing Cards
  • Sand and water play toys
  • Dolls/doll accessories (high chair, bottles, bibs, clothes)
  • Play pots and pans, and housekeeping items, e.g. vacuum cleaner
  • 14″ bicycles with training wheels (bikes are one of our MOST popular items and there are expected shortages this year.)